
  • Clan relevance

  • The internal rating shows the overall utility (importance) of the participant for the clan and also the dynamics of this utility for the current period.

    The rating is displayed in points. Points are awarded for the gold, silver, and experience gained from the player, as well as for the rating points brought to the clan for clan competitions.

    Points are awarded for the following indicators

    1. Silver and Experience for research received from the player within the prime rate of the clan tax

    2. Silver received from a player in the form of contributions, as well as in the form of the positive difference between the prime rate of the clan tax and the increased individual rate  

    3. Gold from the player's contributions. 4.

    4. rating points.

    The most points are given for rating points and voluntary contributions.

  • How to join a clan

  • You can send an application by choosing a clan from the rating or in Personal account search for the clan you want to join. If you have been invited into the clan, you will be notified when you enter the game: 

    When you click on postpone - the window closes, but will be shown for another 3 visits to the game. On the 4th login - you will not have a button to postpone.

    If the Clan Leader or his deputy dismissed you, you can immediately join another clan.

    If you leave the clan on your own, you will be able to join another clan in 14 days.

  • How to admit a player into the clan

  • You can accept a player into the clan in Personal account, My Clan - Requests. 

    Green check mark - accept, red cross - refuse.

    Clan Commander and deputy commanders can accept requests to join the clan.

  • How to remove a player from the clan

  • You can remove a player from the clan in My Kabinet, My Clan section. 

    To remove a player, click on the red cross to the right of the nickname of the player.

    The clan commander and deputy commanders can delete a player from the clan.

  • How to transfer game currency to the clan

  • You can transfer game currency to the clan treasury in the game - Clan - Treasury - "Deposit" button. Select the desired amount and click "Send".

    In the game you can also buy a gift to the clan, through a Personal account.

  • How to withdraw/distribute game currency from the clan

  • In the game there is no way to withdraw game currency from the clan treasury.

  • How to delete the clan

  • To delete a clan, you first need to remove all members via Personal account, then leave on your own. 

    Note that it's impossible to cancel clan deletion. The clan creation fee will not be returned. Also, when creating a new Clan, gold will be written off again.

  • How to transfer clan to another player

  • Clan commanders can be transferred through technical support.

    Specify the nickname of the player to whom you want to give the clan.

    Clan Leader can be changed only by the request of the current Clan Leader.

  • The current clan leader is absent for a long time

  • If the current Clan Leader is absent for a long period of time, you should contact the current Clan Leader for clarification of the circumstances and possible change of the Clan Leader.

    If it is impossible to contact the current Clan Leader, the Clan representative can contact Technical Support using the feedback form, describing the situation with the Clan. 

    If the current Clan Leader is absent from the game for more than a month, then the Clan will be handed over to the Clan representative who will contact him.

  • How to change the clan name

  • Now you can change the clan name if it no longer suits you. To do this, the commander needs to contact the private messages of the community.


    The name change is paid from the clan treasury

    Depending on the level, the amount of gold varies:

    Level 1 - 375 gold

    Level 2 - 675 gold

    Level 3 - 1,300 gold

    Level 4 - 2,500 gold

    Level 5 - 8,500 gold

    Level 6 - 25,000 gold

    Level 7 - 80,000 gold

    Important! If emojis or non-standard fonts are used in the new clan name, the cost of changing the clan name may increase.