
  • How to restore an account. I forgot my password

  • If the lost profile has a Linking to the mail, you can restore it yourself.

    To do this, go to settings, tab Main settings → Linkings. Then enter the mail data and you can log in to your account.

    If you have forgotten your account password and can't access your game account, you can easily reset your password in the game settings, under "Link account". Enter your email and click "Forgot Password". After that, information with a new password will be sent to the specified email. When checking your email, do not forget to check your spam folder.

    If you forgot your password, but you have access to your account, you can reset your password in your Personal Area, in Profile - Options - Reset Password. Click once on Reset Password and a new password will be sent to the email your game profile is linked to. When checking your mail, do not forget to check your spam folder.

    In case your game profile is not connected with the e-mail or you do not remember your e-mail address, to restore the profile you have to contact the technical support service indicating the following data about your lost profile (all that you remember)

    1. ID (the ID is in the game settings);

    2. Nickname (profile name);

    3. Level;

    4. The approximate amount of gold and silver on the account.

  • How to enter the Personal account

  • You can get into your personal cabinet through the game settings or the technical support button.

    In your Personal Area you can:

    - Go to the Knowledge base page.

    - Manage a Clan or create your own Clan.

    - View tournament information.

    - Configure the chat region.

    - Customize Blacklist.

    - Reset or change password from profile.

    - Activate a promo code.

    - Delete your account.

    - Contact Technical Support.

    - Make in-game purchases and buy gifts.

  • Deleting an account

  • You can delete your account in Personal account.

    Important information. Please read the information below carefully before deleting your game profile.

    - The process of account deletion takes 14 days.

    - After starting the process within 10 days you can contact the technical support ([email protected]) to interrupt the process of deletion.

    - During the deletion process the Account will be blocked.

    - After the process is finished data from the Account will be deleted irretrievably.

    - You won't be able to restore the payments from the deleted Account.

    - Clan commanders must transfer or delete the clan before deleting the Account.

    After reading the information about deleting an account, you can delete your in-game profile.

    If you want to permanently delete your game account:

    1. Contact tech support for a complete deletion of your game profile data.

    2. After confirming the account deletion your game profile will be blocked for 60 days and then all data will be permanently deleted. You can cancel deletion within 45 days.

    Important! If you do NOT want to delete your game account, please do NOT delete your profile in Personal Area and do NOT request a complete deletion of your game account from Technical Support.

  • Is it possible to transfer an account from one server to another

  • Transferring an account from one server to another server is possible. However, the game does not have this functionality, so the technical support staff will have to do this manually. The cost of this service is 50,000 gold. Only the profile data is transferred:

    - nickname;

    - level;

    - equipment and its upgrade; 

    - Gold, silver and experience points;

    - VIP if any;

    - mail attachment.

    The team is not transferred if you are a member of a team. Before you can migrate your profile, you must leave the team.

    To switch to another server, please contact the technical support with the following information:

    1. Send the ID and server of the profile you want to migrate. (For example, ID #12345 Europe). Your profile must have 50,000 gold on its account.

    2. Send the ID and server of the profile to which you want to transfer your profile data (for example #123456 Singapore).

    To create an account on another server, go to Settings → Select Server.

    It is important that the profile on the other server be of the first level, with no links to email or social networks.

    After a successful profile transfer, the current profile will be blocked.

    Please note that if the server you want to transfer your account to is farther away than the one you are currently playing on, you may experience connection loss or quality problems while transferring. If you are sure about the transfer of the account on another server, please specify it when contacting us.

  • Ban account

  • If you have any suspicious activity on your player account, your player profile can be blocked.

    If your profile is blocked, you can contact technical support to clarify the situation, specifying the data of your blocked profile: ID, nickname, level.

    The player profile can be blocked by the anti-cheat system in connection with suspicious activity in the game, or in other situations specified in the rules of the game.

    More information on the blocking of the game profile, you can find in the section "5. violations and penalties".

  • How to change the E-mail

  • Unfortunately, in-game it is not possible to delete or change the e-mail link. 

  • How to change your nickname

  • You can change your nickname in the game settings - Mainsettings. Click on your current nickname, enter the new nickname and click Change. After this your nickname will be changed and the gold for changing your nickname will be deducted from your profile.

    Important! The first nickname change is free of charge. All following changes of the nickname are paid.

  • Change of country/region

  • Your geo-location is the responsibility of your provider. We do not have our own mechanism to determine this. 

    On Monday your IP-address will be updated, but the correct determination depends on your provider.

    If you have problems with the change of country/region, you should also check your device for programs that change your geo-location (VPN).

    VPN programs may also affect the display of your country/region.

  • How to change your region

  • The game does not allow you to change your region manually. All geo-location information is provided by your service provider.

  • Where can I see my ID

  • You can find out your ID in the settings menu. To do this, click on the gear icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  • How to set an avatar

  • Unfortunately it's not possible to set an avatar in the game.

  • How to Link an Account to E-mail

  • To link your profile, go to Settings → Link → Mail. Enter your email details and come up with a password. Wait for a confirmation email at the email address you specified. After successful email confirmation you will be able to restore your game profile on your own or log in to your account from any device. 

    If you didn't receive the confirmation e-mail, you need to check your spam folder. 

    Mainsettings - Account linking

    @Mail - Link

    Registration - Email - Password - OK

  • How to sign in to your account from another device

  • To log into your game profile from another device, you need to log into the game on another device - Game Settings - Linking. Then enter your email and password from your game account, then your game profile will load.

    If your game profile is not linked to your email account, you will need to link your game profile to your email account in order to log in to your game account on another device.

  • How to get a reward for tying an account

  • To get the 200 gold reward for tethering, you need to follow the following instructions:

    Go to game settings → Tethering, link your game profile to your email. In the same tethering window, go to and join one of our suggested communities (Facebook/Facebook or Discord).

    Once you've completed all the items, exit the social network via the back button and you'll be back in the settings menu. You will then be able to receive a reward for connecting.

  • I didn't receive a confirmation email

  • Remember that sending a message can take from a couple of minutes to a day. If you have not received a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact the game's technical support. Don't forget to also check the Spam folder beforehand.

  • I got an error when clicking on the link from the email

  • If you received an email, followed the link and saw the text "You have specified incorrect information about the following email account. The link may also have expired.", - this means that when registering mail, you clicked the "Ok" button several times, and several emails were sent to you. Wait for the last email and follow the link. Also remember that you need to confirm the registration within a day after receiving the letter.